
Showing posts from September, 2017

3 month Saxenda Update

Hello everyone! Sorry it's been awhile since I have posted!! I put this on my video blog the other day but I also wanted to post here that I've decided to post both written and video blog once a month to keep everyone updated. If I get alot of questions then I will post more. In 3 months I lost 28 pounds!!! I'm super excited! I'm still at 1.8. I tried to go up to 2.4 and felt really sick so I went back down to 1.8. My doc is on board and as long as it's working he's cool with me staying at 1.8 I'm hoping to go off my blood pressure meds soon. My bp was the lowest it's been in years at my doc appt last week so that's also exciting!!! Please let me hear from those of you on saxenda about how it's going! Also for those of you thinking about it go ahead and post some questions. I'd love to tell you more about it. I'll post again in a month! Here's my progress pic from start to 3 month pic I can really tell and I know i&

Week 12 and 13 SAXENDA Update!!!

Well I'm super excited to say that as of today I have lost 26.2 pounds! Week 12 I lost 2.2 and this week I lost 2.4! I'm still at 1.8 and feeling fairly normal. I will say this medicine is still working even if I am getting hungry. I feel full after eating small portions AND if I decide to stuff myself (labor day bbq anyone) this medicine lets me know with a nasty case of Sulfur burps.. UGH SO GROSS! So it's a little reminder that it's not good to over eat no matter how tasty the food is. I'm not perfect and I am still making mistakes along this journey but I'm keeping my eyes forward. I can't beat myself up over the days I fail. I need to stay focused and positive. Like i've said before it's a marathon not a sprint. Please share with me how your journeys are going! Oh and I posted a TIPS video on my video blog. Here it is! Hope everyone is doing well! Will post soon!!!