Rough week last week and starting week 10 of Saxenda

Well last week was a rough one for me. For some reason my self control was at a 0 last week. Those of you out there who have a true emotional addiction to food can feel my pain. It was as if nothing could satisfy my cravings and all I wanted was the really bad stuff. I indulged.... a lot and I knew it meant the scale yesterday morning would mean no loss but at the time I just gave in. I had to re start my commitment to myself today. There are so many people out there who can't get this medicine because their insurance won't cover it or they get too sick on it to stay on it. I'm blessed that although I have some side effects for the most part I'm good on this medicine and above all it works! So I'm back to the basics this week.

 I'm going to try and restrict my carbs, and stay within my 1200 calorie limit. I'm going to drink a lot of water and avoid sweets and fast food. I think I'm so used to failing that before when on a diet whenever I had a rough week like I did last week I would have thrown in the towel and just gave up, but I refused to do it this time. NOW is the time for me to finally get this weight off once and for all. I'm also really glad I'm doing this blog and my video blog and that I posted about this journey on Facebook because I not only have people pulling for me but I also have some accountability. There are those that say I'm inspiring them to make a change in their own lives and I want to show them that they CAN do it.

YOU can too! Maybe you are reading this and you can identify 100% with me. DON'T GIVE UP!!! If you have a bad day, ok. If you have a bad week, OK! Just DON'T GIVE UP!!

This is something else that keeps me going. I'm down 21 pounds since I started 9 weeks ago.

I can see changes and that motivates me. I want to see even more change in my Month 3 pic! :-)

Link to my youtube channel to see my video updates here.

Talk to you all again next week!


  1. Hi there from Melbourne, Australia I'm starting saxenda tomorrow and found your YouTube video and blog! It's very inspiring!


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