
Showing posts from July, 2017


Well it looks like my body has adjusted to weight loss and is gradually staring to go back down. I lost .6 this past week for a total of 17.2 pounds. Not as much as I would have liked but as long as the scale is going down and not up I'm going to take it and be happy. Especially considering I traveled this past weekend and spent about 15 hours on the road with no healthy food around. My side effects are all gone except for constipation which is the primary problem with this medication for most people. I definitely need to add more vegetables and fiber into my diet, but for now I take colace daily. One positive from the medicine is I still get full really quickly which is helping me with my portion control. My kids all start school in 2 weeks so i'm hoping that will free me up to having time to exercise. That's the one area I desperately need improvement on. I'm going to do a blog here soon that is a breakdown of what I eat, how and when I do my shot, side effects


 Ok everyone, it's hard to believe that I've been on this for 5 weeks already! First the not so great news. No weight loss this past week, however when I look into my Facebook support group and it's fairly common. Some people there describe it as our bodies are gradually learning to adjust to new weight each time we lose so that it will stay off. Some of them hit plateaus for a few weeks and then it starts to come off again so I'm not going to let it get me down. This is a marathon not a sprint. Also I've promised myself I would be 100% open on this blog so here it goes. Another reason I think I didn't lose anything this past week is I didn't eat very well. On days I was super busy I had to eat some fast food. Another day my husband had friends over and I couldn't' avoid the chili hot dogs lol but trust me I won't make that mistake again. I was up all night sick! To be honest this is normally the time on any diet I start to stray. Thankfully


Well today marks exactly one month on Saxenda!! I lost 3.4 on week 4 for a total of 16.8!!! I'm super excited!!! I can tell a little bit myself that my body is changing but I don't think it's visible to anyone else yet. Here's a side by side of may pic on left and today's pic on right. I'm still at 1.8 and I do now get hungry but I'm still full after eating a small portion. I'm staying within 1200-1300 calories a day. For those who prefer to watch rather than read or for those who like both. Here's my video blog link. Don't forget to subscribe and I will update again next week!


Well I'm starting week 4 today! I weighed in this morning and I'm down another 4lbs for a total of 13.4 so far!! I decided to stay at 1.8 this week and not up the dosage. Thankfully my body seems to be adjusting to each new dose but after reading a lot of different peoples stories in a Facebook saxenda support group, I've decided to take my time on going up. As long as 1.8 is working I'll probably stay here for a while. For those of you who don't know Saxenda is the same medicine as Victoza (for diabetes) and the maximum dosage on Victoza was 1.8. So as long as I feel full, not hungry and am losing I'll probably hang out at 1.8 for a while. Side effects this past week were the most I've had since I started. I had one day with sulfur burps (disgusting!) but I quickly realized it was the fried chicken leg I had that did it to me, because I never had them again. I must remember to stay away from fried foods!!! I've had some fatigue but nothing horrible