
Showing posts from June, 2017


 Today was weigh in today and I lost 2.5 for a total of 9.4!  I was hoping for more but I also slacked on the eating this past week. We had Vacation Bible School at my church and I ate their free meals which was awesome but they weren't always the healthiest and they were kinda carb heavy so I'm optimistic about this next weigh in. I went up to 1.8 today and so I'm curious to see how this dose will affect me. I've been pretty lucky so far and haven't had many side effects. I have noticed some tiredness this week but I've read that is pretty common. One huge positive to this new healthier eating is my skin is clearing up. I've struggled with acne since I was 12 years old. If i had known I just needed to give up soda, milk, sweets and drink lots of water to get clear skin I would have done it ages ago. Of course I don't think there is a time in my life up until now that I would have been willing to part with all of those things either. lol I'm ba


What a week!! I am very pleased with how things are going so far. I lost 6.9 pounds this week!!!!! So excited! I will up my dosage today and will continue until I am at 3. I wasn't as hungry but not as much as I was hoping. I do know a normal size meal wouldn't fill me up before I started Saxenda and now I feel full and not hungry. The changes I did make to my diet are: Eating slowly No fast food (unless unavoidable) No soda No sweets LOTS OF WATER Limit carbs when able 1200-1300 calories a day I'm hoping as I up my dosage I will feel full even more so I don't feel as hungry. I definitely had to use some willpower this week to not eat sometimes. As far as side effects I was blessed and I hope I continue to be so. I was only a little nauseous the first 2 days and then it subsided. The only time it came back was when I overate or ate too fast. I've been eating an Activia yogurt daily to help with digestive issues and so far no complaints on that end. I a

Saxenda Journey Day 1! Pre doc appt and Post doc appt

So today was Day 1 of my Saxenda treatment. I made a video blog about the visit What I forgot to mention was make sure you refrigerate your pens!!! Once you prime your pin (nurse or doc will show you how) then you don't have to refrigerate that one and you only need to prime a NEW pen and only once, before the first use. Also all you do is grab your belly and put the needle in (PAINLESS!) and then push the bottom of the pen and you will hear a click and then you wait about 5-6 seconds and then remove the pen!! Super easy! I'm really worried about side effects so not eating much today. Just had an atkins shake and drinking water and then I'm going to eat some small snacks throughout the day. I'll keep you all updated! Please subscribe to my video blog on Youtube or on here and feel free to ask questions! Here is my Day 1 Before Picture! I plan on taking a photo once a month! Starting weight 257.6 Goal weight 150 I'll try to blog once a week u

The night before

Well tomorrow is the big day.  The day I start the shots. I have an appt at the doctors office at 10am to have them show me how to do the shots and I'm so nervous. I'm not nervous about the actual shot at all, which is weird because I hate needles. I'm nervous because I have so many What if questions running through my head.. What if it doesn't work? What if I have horrible side effects and can't continue it? What if I fail yet again in trying to lose weight?? I'm so ready to do this. I want this weight off once and for all. I'm sick of being tired and sore and unable to play with my kids outside for very long because I am so tired and then wake up the next day in terrible pain. I'm sick of dreading the summer because when you are overweight it's really hard to stay cool outside especially when you have to wear longer pants to hide all the fat. Being overweight is miserable. There are some people out there who wont' agree with my decisi

Getting ready to start Saxenda! (INTRO)

Well I guess I should introduce myself for those of you who don't know me that are reading this. My name is Kassie and I'm 37 years old. I've been married to a wonderful man since 2003. We have 5 children and I'm a stay at home mom........Now onto why I'm starting this journey. As a teenager I of course like most teens thought I was fat, however realizing now, I was far from it. I am 5'6'' and back in high school weighed around 120-130lbs. How I wish I could go back there. Anyway ... fast forward to freshman year in college. My mom and I were in a horrible car accident and I was driving, needless to say I had a lot of guilt. She was injured the most and almost died. I realize now this is when I really started my emotional eating issues. I used food as an escape and still do this to this day. Mad, sad, happy, excited.... I look to food. I know no "drug" is going to solve this issue for me. I'm working on using other things to go to instead